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Pastor Matthew Moore

Senior Pastor of Trinity Baptist Ministries
School Board Chairman

It is with great joy and a deep sense of purpose that I extend a heartfelt welcome to you on behalf of the entire school board. As the Chairman of the Board, I am honored to share in the mission and vision of Community Christian Academy, a place where education and faith harmoniously intertwine to shape the future leaders of our world.

Our vision is to further the gospel of Jesus Christ both locally and globally through educating and preparing our students not only to minister within the body of Christ but to share the message of salvation with those who do not have a relationship with Christ. This vision inspires us to cultivate a community where faith and learning are seamlessly integrated, allowing our students to grow as informed, compassionate, and spiritually grounded individuals.

We are blessed with a dedicated team of educators who are experts in their fields and passionate about their calling to teach and mentor. They guide students on their spiritual and academic journeys, preparing them to be leaders who can make a positive impact in their communities and beyond.

As we look to the future, we are committed to expanding our programs and facilities to better serve our students and community. Our plans include enhancing academic offerings, incorporating advanced technology, and providing a wider range of extracurricular opportunities.

I invite you to join us in this exciting journey. Your support and involvement are invaluable to our success. Together, we can build a stronger community, united in faith and dedicated to the holistic development of our students.

Thank you for your continued trust and partnership. Let us move forward with faith, hope, and a shared commitment to nurturing the next generation of Kingdom Leaders.


Pastor Ike Ramsey

Upper School Principal

At Community Christian Academy, our mission is to “offer a safe Christ-centered academically challenging education, preparing students to become Kingdom Leaders.” This statement of purpose outlines two strategic pillars to a true Christian education.

As the world’s culture is changing right before our eyes, it is important not to lose sight of the biblical instructions given to parents in Proverbs 22:6, “Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.”  While it is important for parents to train a child, we believe that your family’s educational institution should be strong partner to help with the Biblical guidance.
In our changing world, it is critical that we consistently teach our students biblical truth.  This means that all classes at Community Christian Academy are taught with biblical direction and biblically integrated straight from scripture.  We believe that it is crucial that we teach our students to fully rely on God for everything in their lives just as Proverbs 3:5-10 has instructed us to do. 

We believe a strong bond between teachers and students is vital to the students’ growth in both spiritual and academical areas. I have found that this strong relationship can have a positive impact on the student’s whole family.

There is nothing more exciting than to see God do His renewing work in the hearts, minds, and lives of our students. When Christian family partners with Community Christian Academy and their local church, the children clearly benefit from this God-ordained trifecta… home, school, and church all working toward the same outcome.

Community Christian Academy is committed to providing a Christ-centered academically challenging education that develops the Christian mind, nurtures the soul, and shapes Christ-like character… not only for today, but for generations to come. There is no greater joy than to partner with Christian parents and to have an active role in the ongoing work of God to help develop and equip a young person’s heart and minds to become fully aligned with God's plan for their lives.  

Angel Morgan

Elementary School Principal

Community Christian Academy sets itself apart as our mission is to offer a safe, Christ-centered, academically challenging education to prepare students to become Kingdom Leaders. CCA’s focus is on God. We strive to be Christian in all we do; not just in name only.

Proverbs 22:6 says, “Train up a child in the way he should go, And when he is old he will not depart from it.” This verse is not taken lightly at Community Christian Academy. Focusing on God and studying His Word every day are essential skills that need to be taught and reinforced. CCA partners with parents and grandparents to provide the tools and techniques students need to accomplish these vital skills needed in today’s world. Students absorb what is in their environments. CCA strives to fill their learning environments with Godly education using Biblically-sound doctrine.

As Lower School Principal, my desire is to bring up Ambassadors for God so they can leave His impact on the world. To accomplish this, we work together to ensure our CCA families (teachers, students, parents, grandparents, etc.) are equipped with the learning skills required to make them productive citizens. I want to plant and water those seeds that God will harvest in His Time.