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January 14, 2025
By Angel Morgan - Elementary Principal

The year 2024 had some trials. We went through so much, especially at the end of the year! Trials are not what we want to go through. Lord, let me learn my lesson without trials. Let me grow without any hurt.

Trials are tough; some are even gut-wrenching. As you look through the Bible to find verses to help you through these times, James 1: 2-3 are not the ones that come to our minds quickly!

2 Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters,[a] whenever you face trials of many kinds, 3 because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance.

Pure joy…You have got to be kidding! Family, school, work, co-workers, family members, homework, projects, tests, sickness, weather, doubts, fears, uncertainties, and the list goes on and on and on. Where is the joy in any of this?! How am I supposed to find joy in all of this unhappiness, in all of this chaos. Now, I have a headache and a stomach ache.


If we weren’t going through trials and tribulations, would we be growing? If we weren’t going through hard/trying times, would we increase our faith? If we weren’t on our knees seeking God and His guidance, would Satan be after us? If we weren’t reading our Bibles, would Satan try so hard to keep us down?

As parents, we want to protect our children. We do not want them to suffer any pain, or to hurt in any way. As parents, we know the craziness of the world. Sadly, we also know we can’t protect them 24/7 all of their days. As a parent, it is hard. As a grandparent, it is hard. Many children are learning too much about the world before they need to know anything about it. They have way too much information at their fingertips. They learn so much just from those they are around. They are sponges that soak it all in (good and bad).

Nowhere does the Bible say following Him is easy. Nowhere does Jesus say that following Him is as easy as walking (Please some of us can trip over air! Walking is hard! Watch someone trying to walk for the first time or after sitting for a long period of time.)

When we read the Bible, when we listen to His Words, to His guidance, He does not say this was easy for so-and-so. He writes about the hard times, the sad times, and the scary times. He does not hide anything.

He also writes about the good times, the happy times, and the learning times.

2024 is gone. No reliving it. No changing it.

2025 is beginning. 2025 is another year God has given us to “Consider it pure joy…” for following Him. For rising to the challenges of parenting and working. To live for Him. To teach our children to see what God has done and what He has said.

Your child is God’s child. Your child is the future.

In 2025, we are planting and watering those seeds God has given. We are preparing our students for what the world could throw at them. We are building their Christian worldview foundation.  Parents and Grandparents, we are in this together. We are shaping the future. We are a team working to strengthen our students’ foundations in Christ so they can become Kingdom Leaders.